Ryan knows lower taxes means more jobs. He has fought for us to keep our hard-earned money throughout his time in public office. He carried legislation that brought an annual Back-To-School Sales Tax Holiday to Virginia, and worked on a budget in 2019 to provide nearly $1 billion in tax relief to Virginians. He will continue to hold the line on lower taxes and protect our paychecks.

With an “A” rating from the NRA, you can trust Ryan to protect our right to keep and bear arms. He has sponsored numerous bills to both protect and expand our Second Amendment rights. As an avid sportsman himself, Ryan will always stand up for gun owners.

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and Ryan wants to make it easier to open and grow a business. A thriving private sector leads to job creation and higher employment. Our economy is booming and Ryan believes we should be fostering that growth to bring more jobs to our community.

Ryan has been and always will be a strong defender of our veterans and our law enforcement. Our men and women in the military and in law enforcement sacrifice so much to protect us and we have a duty to ensure they receive the honor and compensation they deserve fortheir service.

Ryan will always defend the lives of the unborn. He recently voted against budget proposals that would have given more money to Planned Parenthood and constantly stands up for pro-life bills in the legislature.

Virginians deserve better healthcare – and that starts with making it more affordable and flexible. Ryan supports increasing the duration of short-term healthcare plans and allowing Virginians to purchase catastrophic health care insurance to access essential health benefits. Ryan voted against Medicaid expansion and will continue to fight against the restrictive single-payer healthcare plan of Obamacare.